Saturday, September 11, 2010

9-11. 9 Years Later.

I was searching through a few news articles online about September 11 and also the controversy surrounding the burning of the Quran due to people not wanting to see a mosque built near ground zero. I came across this article. A man by the name of Rick said what I couldn't have said better myself! Thankyou Rick and to everyone who does believe in Jesus as their Lord and Savior, and can put their differences aside... because after all, isn't that what Jesus would do?

Rick states in response to the Florida pastor saying that his church will "not today, not ever" burn a Quran, even if a mosque is built near ground zero:

  "Praise the Lord that Pastor Terry Jones decided not to burn the Quran. Jesus teaches us to love all our neighbors. Our neighbors are all the people that God brings into our lives. One of the best examples of loving a neighbor was when the Good Samaritan cared for the Jew who had been beaten on the road to Jericho. The Samaritans and Jews hated each other, but out of compassion this Samaritan helped the man that God had brought into his life. I want all people, including all Muslims, to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. They can only be won through the love of Jesus."

I also posted a Youtube video directly under this posting... and it has made me cry many times. Just the song... the images... the little girl saying she missed her daddy. So I do not see how anyone could not have a tear build up in their eyes or a ripped feeling in their heart after thinking about what happened to us on September 11, 2001. My heart still goes out to the families who lost loved ones in this terrible tragedy. I don't know exactly who planned these attacks, although the media wants us to believe a certain terrorist group was to blame. Honestly, only God knows the real truth and we just have to pray for justice in this world. We probably won't ever truly understand acts of hate like this, but we are told to pray for our enemies.

No matter what happened on that day, the point I want to make is that people did lose their lives.. innocent people. Sometimes tragedies bring people closer together and even closer to God. I pray, though, that it doesn't take any more tragedies for us to get close to the maker of heaven and earth, the Lord of us all.

I pray every day and every night for my family, friends and loved ones... that God protects them and keeps them safe throughout their daily lives in this selfish, cruel and messed up world. God Bless you all on this day and I hope you can take a minute to say a prayer for those who lost something on this day 9 years ago....

...and one more thing (a constant prayer of mine lately) is that God please bring my little girl safely home to me in my arms. I miss her dearly and want to give her a great big hug. It's been months since I've seen her and I don't think it's too much of a loving, caring mother to want to hold her baby girl in her arms again. God hasn't taken her away, it's just evil forces of this world and I know God's power is much stronger than those forces so my faith tells me my prayers will soon be answered. Faith is a wonderful thing! And peace will come someday... soon.

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